Why is this section hidden?
: The world can't handle how awesome I am.

Just kidding. It's a sad truth that there are a lot of fearful people in the world. If you aren't Christian, Heteronormative, and have all the expected parts... let's just say it can get messy. Furthermore, although these things are a part of my identity, they do not make up my entire identity. I am more than my attractions and what's in my pants. My faith is only a guidepost, not my entire life. In order to prevent these things from being seen as all I am, I de-emphasize them.

I know I am very likely to be different from you. As I do not look poorly upon you for being different from me, please do not view me in a negative light for being different from you. If all the world were the same, it would be a very boring place! There would be no invention, no advancement, no art, and no joy.

Furthermore, these differences really aren't as big as people like to think. I am still the same man as I was before you read these words. If you never read them, that wouldn't change a thing. There is too much emphasis on that which divides us and too little on what brings us together. We are all part of the human family and play an important part in the world. Don't let small differences drive you away from your fellow humans. Let's come together to make the world better.

: Homebrew pagan.

I like to think that all faiths have the same basis: reflection, meditation, and deciding for yourself what is the truth. You can't really advance in life by just reading a book and following it blindly. You also can't advance by taking the words of others as the full truth. Years of deep personal exploration have left me with a unique "pagan" type religion in which I feel there is truth in ALL faiths. My personal pantheon is made up of whoever has answered me over the years. No pentagrams, pentacles, crosses, or other obvious symbols are in my home as I don't use them. A few personal symbols related to my pantheon are fox masks, obsidian, and the single-horned Kirin / Quilin. Sandalwood and Lavender are my preferred sacred herbs.

Favorite Holiday
: "Halloween".

Most people in the USA call it Halloween, so I do as well. Honestly, my version is more a mix of Samhain and Dia De Los Muertos. Basically, every year starting around mid-October and ending mid-November, the wall between this world and the world of the supernatural grows thin. Spirits and ancestors cross this barrier to come visit those they love, make new friends, and have a reminder of what living is. It's a celebration of life, as temporary and complicated as it can be. It's also a time to reflect on those who came before us and the unseen forces at play in our world. I spread as much joy as I can, then go home to reflect. It's joyous, sacred, and a little exhausting. I adore it!

: Very. Queer, Intersex, Achillean Male.

I am medically intersex, but choose to live as male. I see myself as a queer male, which is why I put that on my profile. I look very androgynous and get misgendered a lot. I try to be forgiving. I know strangers don't mean me harm (usually); they just don't know me and never will. There's no point in wasting energy on anger, so I don't. I am putting this here and not on my profile because, frankly, nobody seems to believe intersex people exist unless you are a literal hentai futa. I am no hentai futa. I'm just an unusual guy who sometimes gets mistaken for a transgender person. I am Achillean: if you're masculine I really don't care what's in your pants. I love men of all kinds and always have.

To the cool people
: Keep on being awesome.